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at University of California, Irvine

Who Are We

The Multicultural Sorority and Fraternity Council (MSFC) was founded on June 8, 2009 to serve as the collegiate governing body of the culturally based fraternities and sororities at the UC Irvine campus. These culturally based chapters are made up of Latino, Latina, Asian, Armenian, and Multicultural fraternities and sororities. Some of the MSFC chapters are unique to the Irvine campus or the state of California, while others are nationwide. The Multicultural Sorority and Fraternity organizations come together to foster and support the multicultural community on campus through collaboration, leadership, and involvement.

Spring Rush 2024 

We have just finished our Winter Rush seasons for the MSFC organizations. Please keep a look-out for Spring Rush (especially checking respective org's instagram/social medias)!

Meet Us

Our eight executive board members come from various MSFC organizations who teamed up to govern, monitor, and coordinate our 9 sororities and 4 fraternities member organizations and to provide a means through which the organizations will employ a united and constructive approach to Sorority and Fraternity Campus Life. 

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